
Balance Training- More than Standing on One Foot

Bring up the word balance and visions of gym goers performing circus tricks on a stability balls is probably the first thing that pops into your head. Balance training is not doing bicep curls while standing on a Stability ball or channeling your inner Cirque du Soleil in front of the dumbbell rack. Balance training…

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Head-Off Bench Press Tutorial

Dr. Joel Seedman certainly knows his stuff. He is always exploring variations of exercises as well as standard exercises in order to help others. In the video below, he demonstrates how to do a head off bench press; a variation used when performing chest presses exercises. The head off bench press is great for ensuring…

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Proper Push-up Alignment Checklist

  Push-ups are a staple exercise that are part of so many routines. The best part about push-ups is that they require no equipment- they can be done anywhere at any time! They also work several muscles in the body and prove extremely effective if done properly. Not sure if your push-ups are up to…

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How to Perform the Farmer’s Walk

Chances are you have seen someone walking laps in the gym holding a set of dumbbells. You are probably wondering what they are doing and more importantly, what are they working? The movement is called the farmer’s walk. The farmer’s walk tests your grip, your agility, your leg strength, your upper back strength, and your…

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Common Plank Mistakes

The Plank. It’s become a staple of workouts everywhere and promises to be the ultimate core workout that can be done anywhere as it requires no weights or equipment. As an isometric exercise (meaning that it is performed in a static position), the main goal when performing a plank is to find your perfect form…

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The Do’s and Don’ts of a Bench Press

BIO If there is someone who knows the ins and outs of fitness, it’s Alan Thrall. Alan is the owner of Untamed Strength as well as a Marine Corps veteran who served as a presidential security guard as well as a “World Famous” Body Bearer at Arlington National Cemetery. Alan’s love for fitness started at…

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